November 15, 2011

Stuttgart Doorways #13

Das ist der Eingang zur "Technischen Oberschule" am Olgaeck ...
This is the main portal of a school named "Technische Oberschule". It is a school where young people can get the advanced technical college entrance qualification or the subject-specific baccalaureate.
... und das ist das Gebäude in seiner ganzen Pracht.
This is the building in all its glory.


Lowell said...

Very impressive. Solid. Majestic. And I think we need more of these technical schools - especially these days, when life is getting much more technical.

Virginia said...

What a beautiful old building. It must we nice to go to classes there.

Leif Hagen said...

Now that was a big, grand doorway of Stuttgart!
Schoene Wochenende wunsche ich Dir und Deine