May 17, 2011

Fountains Of Stuttgart, No. 000012

O, heiliger
Urban, spend uns Wein
wir wollen dafür dankbar sein
(Wengerter-Brunnen auf dem Marktplatz in Uhlbach)
Oh, holy
Urban, bestow wine on us
we want to be grateful to you
(winegrower's fountain on the marketplace in Uhlbach)


Karl said...

Nice Fountain, is this water or white wine that comes out? said...

It is a legitimate question, Karl. I've tasted this fluid - unfortunately it is water :(

Lowell said...

Excellent shot of an interesting character. I'll bet that if wine did come out of these pipes there would be huge crowds here every day!

Jørgen Carlsen said...

I see it is time for Weinlese, but I can't remember the name of the bag he use to carry the grapes.
I like the german text.