August 26, 2010


Wie die Orgelpfeifen und gut sortiert nach Müllarten stehen diese Mülltonnen in Reih und Glied in einer schwäbischen Straße in Stuttgart.
You see trash cans sorted by kind of trash and standing in file. This is Swabian tidiness!


svenja said...

dankeschön :) das sind chocolate chip cookies, wie man sie auch bei starbucks oder subway kaufen kann! ja, die sind selber gebacken und schmecken traumhaft

Lowell said...

Hi Steffen! We're still on hiatus but I miss thought I'd post one photo, anyway.

I like "Swabian tidiness." In parts of this country, there would be all kinds of trash strewn about around these trash cans!

"Cleanliness is next to godliness," it has been said. :-)

Halcyon said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

"Gut sortiert", yes, we have the same in Denmark, but it is not at all a pretty sight :(

Suburban Girl said...

I must have some Swabian in my blood! I can relate to this.

Bruce Caspersonn said...

I pity the garbage man...

Hilda said...

Are they all supposed to be for different kinds of trash? Because if yes, then that's a lot of sorting! (We just have 4, aside from the ones you're not supposed to throw out.)

Rob Siemann said...

We have bins of 5 different colors here as well, but they are the big kind, no individual ones.