November 01, 2011

November 2011 Theme Day: Fences

Für das heutige Thema - Zäune, Schranken, Gitter - bin ich richtig dankbar. Denn der wohl berühmteste Zaun Baden-Württembergs, wenn nicht sogar Deutschlands, steht in Stuttgart am Hauptbahnhof. Hier wird der Widerstand gegen Stuttgart21 und der Zorn auf die Art und Weise, wie das Projekt realisiert wird, in Wort und Bild und in sehr kreativer Weise umgesetzt. Und dieser Zaun ist schon die 2. Auflage. Version 1 befindet sich im Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg.
I really appreciate the today's theme. The most famous fence of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is currently situated at the main station of Stuttgart. This fence is also known outside Baden-Wuerttemberg. It is location for the resistance to the S21 project and its realization. People have fixed pictures, text documentations and other self-made and creative things. This fence is already the 2nd edition. The 1st edition can be visited in a museum named Haus der Geschichte Baden-Wuerttemberg (House of History Baden-Wuerttemberg).


Lowell said...

I don't think I know of the S21 project but more power to the people and I love that all those folks have found a peaceful and powerful way to protest. It's a great fence and a wonderfully creative post for the theme!

Jørgen Carlsen said...

I do very well understand you like this days theme - someone started to put something at the fence and what happend can be seen at your shots and the slideshow.
Is the resistance strong enough to make an impact on the decisionsmakers?

Halcyon said...

A very useful and well-used example of fences! Nice choice for today.

Petrea Burchard said...

What a fantastic fence--a community project. I love the slide show!

Jilly said...

Goodness, there are a LOT of fences in Stuttgart but I see they get used for more than just a barrier. Great.

paul said...

This seems to be a never ending story - I followed it for a while in its early stages, but have not kept up with it.

Excellent contribution to the theme, and good luck with the cause!