June 10, 2010

Stuttgart's Staeffele #2: Die Sünderstaffel (3)

Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Wir sind in der Mitte der Sünderstaffel. Vor und nach dem Rundell teilt sich das Stäffele. Insgesamt 68 Stufen, auf jeder Seite 34, sind zu bewältigen. Nun aber bitte ausruhen und Kräfte sammeln für den 2. Teil.
Congratulations. We are in the middle of the Suenderstaffel. The steps split in front of the circus and after it. There are 68 steps to go, 34 on every side. But now we should rest and rebuild for the 2nd part.
Blick auf das Rondell von einem entfernteren Platz, gut zu erreichen über einen Pfad. Hier gibt es Bänke zum Ausruhen.
View to the circus from another place. It is good to reach on a small path. There are some benches for repose.


Jørgen Carlsen said...

I like to see the many possibilities you have in Stuttgart to do fittness outside instead of inside the fittnessroom.

Bruce Caspersonn said...

Too late for a rest, I am exhausted!

Lowell said...

It's a good thing one can stop and rest...it's amazing how climbing steps can be so tiring.

This reminds me of a golf course in Minnesota that I used to play...some 45 degree hills, and lots of steps! Exhausting!

The Suenderstaffel is very beautiful though.

Mo said...

Fortunately it looks as if you can rest on the way

Halcyon said...

It's so green!!!