Der markante Bahnhofsturm einmal anders. Diese Aufnahmetechnik steht symbolisch für den radikalen Umbau des Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhofes, der graue Himmel verstärkt diesen Eindruck noch einmal. Ja, ich gestehe, ich bin gegen diesen Umbau und viele andere Stuttgarter auch. Diese Millarden von Euro, die da sprichwörtlich versenkt werden sollen, könnten woanders doch viel sinnvoller eingesetzt werden.
Adieu, Kopfbahnhof
The striking tower of the main station in a different way. It's symbolic for the extreme rebuilding of the main station. The grey sky enforces this effect again. I've to admit that I am against this rebuilding like many other citizens of this city. It will cost a lot of billion Euro. I think, there are many areas like education or road construction which badly need this money.
Sounds like you have the same problem we have - the problem of allocating monies for the proper purposes.
I thought this was the Leaning Tower of Stuttgart! ;-)
THIS IS A DIFFERENT ANGLE. The sky is nice and blue. The sun must have been out.
I like your angle in this shot. It reminds me of Eric Tenin's famous "Tenin Perspective" which we will celebrate with tribute photos on his 5th blog anniversary on March 11 with a special blog day (like an extra theme day). You might want to submit this post for that.
I'm sorry that funds are being diverted to a project the public is not in agreement with.
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