November 13, 2011

A Fisherman's Story

Schicke Wandmalerei an der Wand des "Hotel Wörtz zur Weinsteige".
Nice wall painting at the wall of the hotel "Wörtz zur Weinsteige".
Nun wissen wir auch endlich, wer einem immer volle Bierflaschen an die Angel anbringt.
Now we've learned who's responsible for beer bottles at the fishing-rods.
Wo wir schon beim Angeln sind: die Kois werden natürlich schonender gefangen. Wer des Schwäbischen mächtig ist, könnte das Schild aber auch anders verstehen - "Kein Stuttgart im Hotel Wörtz" (so ist es natürlich nicht gemeint).
Speaking of fishing, needless to say that the koi carps are fished more gently. Are you able to speak Swabian? Then you could understand the words "Koi Stuttgart im Hotel Wörtz" as "No Stuttgart in the Wörtz hotel". But it is certainly an allusion to the coi carps.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post. With the mural and the clever illusion to the fish.

Surrounding the Emperor's Palace grounds, in Tokyo, there is a large moat and in that are super size Coi or Carp—very large and very colorful.

wilbo43 said...

Jo da muss doch scho a bissrl Stuttgart im Hotel Wörz san, ne?



Lowell said...

What a beautiful mural! I can imagine catching a bottle of beer! And I'd never guess it was attached to my line by a mermaid! :-)

We have koi carp here also but they in ponds for looking at not least I don't think people fish for them.

Leif Hagen said...

Don't believe every fisherman's story....
Ein gute Rutsch in der neuen Woche!