April 16, 2010

Drink Beer Responsibly

Es grenzt schon fast an Ironie, dieses Hinweisschild neben der Bierwerbung. Andererseits kann man nicht oft genug vor dem ausufernden Alkoholkonsum warnen. Aber ob man in solch einer Situation noch zu Fuß ins Marienhospital gelangen kann ...?
The information sign beside the beer advertising appears a little bit ironic. On the other hand it's very important to warn against excessive consumption of alcohol and its effects. Is it possible to walk to the hospital in such situation?


Bruce Caspersonn said...

But the Germans are among the world leaders in the consumption of beer. Are they not?

lewi14@gmail.com said...

You are right, Bruce. It's not cause to be proud, isn't it? Therefore it is necessary to warn against alcohol misuse.

Leif Hagen said...

Ich hatte gern ein Stuttgarter bier; es ist schon irgendwo 17 Uhr, oder?
(Nur 13.37 Uhr bei mir in Eagan)

Suburban Girl said...

Great find...I heard German beers had a lower alcoholic content than US Beers. I never confirmed that but that might be why consumption is higher.

Jørgen Carlsen said...

It will be difficult to walk to the hospital after having drunk the 100 liters of beer in that large bottle.

Clueless in Boston said...

I'd walk to the hospital, or anyplace for that matter, for a good German beer:)