April 21, 2010

Picture With Concrete And Dandelion

Es ist nicht wirklich spektakulär, das heutige Foto. Aber der Grünstreifen mit dem Löwenzahn hat mich dennoch zu einem Post angeregt. Im Hintergrund eine mächtige Kastanie, die schon bald wieder in voller Blüte stehen wird.
The today's photo is not really spectacular. I see that green area with the lovely dandelion every day on my way to work. It has assured me for a post. In the background you see a big chestnut tree. It is green now, but in a few days it will be in full bloom.


Bruce Caspersonn said...

That looks like a nice well kept area.

Suburban Girl said...

Please show us the tree when it is in bloom too!

Lowell said...

Very colorful, Steffen, and it provides a nice contrast between nature and human structures!