September 02, 2010

Lesson Four: Swabian Term - Gsälz

G s ä l z - das Wort zerfließt förmlich auf der Zunge, oder? G s ä l z. Als ich das Wort zum ersten Mal hörte, dachte ich an etwas Salziges (was auch immer). Aber es handelt sich tatsächlich um Marmelade.
Can you vocalize this word? G s ä l z. It melts in the mouth, right? First I thought about salties because this word contains "Salz" (salt). But actually it is jam. G s ä l z....


Bruce Caspersonn said...

I am sure they are yummy!

Karl said...

Looks good and must have a good taste! Greetings from South Tyrol.

P.S. Wenn man das Wort "Gsälz" hört, dann denkt man effekttiv an Salz :-) Ist mir neu, wieder was dazu gelernt.

Halcyon said...

My Schwebish mother-in-law is coming to visit us in the US next week. She has lived in Berlin most of her adult life, but she was raised outside Stuttgart. Do you know a village called Ottisheim?

In any case, I will ask her about Gsalz. :D

Rob Siemann said...

One of the first schwaebisch words I learned many years ago in Biberach an derr Riss. Was a mistery to me before that.