April 11, 2010

Haunt, Or: A Place For The Certain Something

Dieses Toilettenhäuschen hat eine im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "bewegte" Geschichte. Denn es stand nicht immer an diesem Platz und sah nicht immer so gepflegt aus. Im Zuge von Umbauarbeiten für die Stadtbahn wurde das unter Denkmalschutz stehende Örtchen abgebaut und nur wenige Schritte entfernt hier wieder aufgebaut.
This privy has literally a "moving" history. It was removed because of structural alteration works for the tram. The loo is declared as a listed monument. Therefore it was rebuilt at this place a few steps shied of the old place. Now it looks as good as new.


Bruce Caspersonn said...

I wish now that I had been to Stuttgart, at least once, during my numerous visits to Germany. What kind of fool am I!!

Suburban Girl said...

One would have never thought, it looks like it was always there.

Leif Hagen said...

A moving potty - funny!

Jørgen Carlsen said...

Fine not to throw everything away - as modern time suggest...