May 31, 2010

Cool Way

Schwälblesklinge. Diesen Weg, ein sehr kleines Teilstück des Stuttgarter Rundwanderweges, gehen meine Frau und ich besonders gern. Es ist sehr romantisch hier und an heißen Tagen, dank des hier fließenden Nesenbaches, eine echte Abkühlung. Alles scheint sich selbst überlassen (außer den angelegten Wegen natürlich).
Schwaelblesklinge - what a name... A Klinge is a small natural road cut (I think). I haven't found any expressions. A Schwaelble could be a small swallow. This way is a very short part of a trail round Stuttgart. This is the way which we love very much. It is very romantic and it offers a wonderful cooling on hot days because of the running creek named Nesenbach. It looks like genuine apart from the built path.
einige Eindrücke - some impressions


Bruce Caspersonn said...

Yes I can see it is a very pleasant place.

Bill said...

It looks like a beautiful Wanderweg. The trees keep you cool walking in summer and probably keep the snow of the path in winter.

Leif Hagen said...

Vielen Dank for a lovely walk through the woods!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great shots. We understand why you like this path.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Lowell said...

It is truly beautiful, Steffen. A great place to walk or bike and photograph. Good job with this!

Jørgen Carlsen said...

I certainly do undestand you like this cool path.