May 14, 2010

Stuttgart's Staeffele #1:Willy-Reichert-Staffel

Das ist nur ein Teil der Willy-Reichert-Staffel. Hinter mir geht es, nach einer kurzen Unterbrechung, weiter, jedoch nicht mehr ganz so "spektakulär". Diese Staffel verbindet mehrere Straßen im Stuttgarter Süden. Eine Staffel ist, wie man unschwer erkennen kann, eine Treppe, die einige Höhenunterschiede überwindet und dabei i.d.R. mindestens zwei Straßen verbindet (hier gibt es mehr darüber zu lesen). Stuttgart hat eine ganze Menge davon, diese möchte ich ab sofort in unregelmäßigen Abständen zeigen. Willy Reichert (*1896, +1973) war ein deutscher (schwäbischer) Volksschauspieler, Humorist und Sänger.
This is only one part of the Willy-Reichert-Staffel. Behind my position there is the less thrilling continuation of it. These steps connect some streets in the south of Stuttgart. Staffel is another word for steps. and it connect generally at least two streets by bridging an elevation. There are more than 400 Staeffeles in Stuttgart and I want to show them (but not all of them) from time to time. Willy Reichert was a German (Swabian) popular actor, humourist and singer.


Jørgen Carlsen said...

Such a Staffel is good for the health. No need for fittnesscenters in Stuttgart - you have them in the open? said...

Hello Jørgen. Yes, we have some fitness centres here in Stuttgart but I can't understand why. To use a Staffel is healthy (yes, it is) and FOR FREE. There are special tours for walking the Staeffeles and to enjoy the region.

Ilse said...

Must be difficult in the winter snow to navigate so many steps?

Bruce Caspersonn said...

Steffen, it is amazing where you poke your camera lens. You must walk around Stuttgart all day!

Halcyon said...


Bill said...

I agree with th comments above, why spend money at a fitness centre when you can walk up and down these steps through such nice surroundings.

Lowell said...

I would not wish to walk up those steps very often, even though I know it would be good for me! Beautiful shot, though.

Suburban Girl said...

When you refer to Swabian, what exactly does that mean?