May 17, 2010

Böblinger Straße

Darf ich Euch zu einem kleinen Spaziergang einladen? Ich möchte Euch gerne einige markante Punkte auf der Böblinger Straße in Heslach, zwischen Schreiberstaße und Benckendorffstraße, zeigen.
I want to invite you for a walk along Boeblinger Strasse in Heslach between Schreiberstrasse and Benckendorffstrasse. There are some striking places (I hope) which I want to show you.
Gleich zum Anfang fällt das Generationenhaus Heslach der Rudolf Schmid und Hermann Schmid Stiftung auf. Der Neubau im Vordergurnd und der Altbau im Hintergrund wurden hier passend miteinander verbunden.
Right at the beginning there are the buildings which are used as a rest and residential home for elder persons which are in need of care. It's also a meeting place for families. Look the adapted combination of the new building in the foreground and the old one in the background. 
Die Statue neben dem Neubau - The statue beside the new building


Bill said...

The old and the new buildings blend in well together. I also like the modern sculpture which looks like a woman at a door greeting a man, am I right?

Halcyon said...

Thanks for taking us on this walk. I really like that statue. And the mix of old and new is lovely.

Lowell said...

I like the contrast between the two buildings...and I love that statue - it speaks volumes!

Jim said...

Quite an interesting sculpture.