May 04, 2010

What A Mess! #1

Nun gibt es in Stuttgart noch ein weiteres Museum. Am 01. Mai wurde im Alten Stuttgarter Schlachthof das "weltgrößte" Schweinemuseum  feierlich eröffnet. Es gab jede Menge VIPs, es wurden Reden gehalten, es gab zu Essen und zu Trinken, das Wetter spielte mit und die Stimmung war prächtig.
There is a new museum in town. On the First of May (May Day) the "world's largest" pig's museum was inaugurated. There were a lot of VIPs, a lot of speeches, food and drinks are provided for the guests, the weather was agreeable and the mood was good.
Im Mittelpunkt stand das "Neckarsäule", also "kleine Sau vom Neckar", denn im Schwäbischen wird vieles mit der Endung "-le" verniedlicht (z.B. Spätzle, Scheißerle, Mauldäschle). Fortsetzung morgen ...
The Neckarsäule (little sow from the river Neckar) was really an eye-catcher. The Swabian dialect knows the ending "-le" for all minimizations. To be continued ...


Bruce Caspersonn said...

That's great. It's about time the poor old pig got some recognition.

Mo said...

That's unique

Bill said...

Da haet ich jezt grad gern e Schweinswuerstle.

Suburban Girl said...

Interesting. I'd like to know more about Swabian dialect.

Leif Hagen said...

Was fur eine Schweinerei! Ha! Lustig!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Wow, that's funny - the world's largest! - would be interesting to hear more about it.
Cute pics!
Darryl and Ruth : )

Anonymous said...

What a Museum - but the website is rather boring :(

Zyzzyz said...

Did they serve pork sandwiches?

Lowell said...

A pig museum? Omigod! What will "they" think of next? Pigs are really cool animals, though. And not bad eating, either, if you're into eating animals.

You know, of course, why little pigs eat so much corn, right?

No? Well, they want to make hogs of themselves!

Petrea Burchard said...

The building is very grand! Actually, so is the "piggle." This looks like a light-hearted event. I'll bet you had fun.

Chuck Pefley said...

That's quite a wonderful pink pig -:)))