July 21, 2010

Liberty Enlightening The World In Stuttgart

Seht Ihr sie, die Freiheitsstatue? Es gibt also tatsächlich auch eine Stuttgart. Diese Liste muss also vervollständigt werden.
Can you see Miss Liberty? There is really a Statue of Liberty in Stuttgart too. See a list of replicas of that statue.


Bruce Caspersonn said...

Well,, I'll be,,,,who would of thought!

Gunn said...

Well seen..... And the car owner probably has a building like; "my house is my castle" further up the stairs?

Gunn said...

I learn something new..... it is a small replica of the statue, not fare from Stavanger. (So THANKS for the link.)

Anonymous said...

Pedestrians would probably rather have the Statue of Liberty than The Manniken Pis - maybe except in really hot weather ;-)

Halcyon said...

Ha! Too funny.

Maybe an American lives here? Or a French?

Lowell said...

That is sooo interesting. Not a place where one would expect to see that statue!